Chinese Astrology

Published on January 31, 2011 in Chinese Astrology (Bazi) by .

The Four Pillars method (also known as Bazi) is a divination technique that has been used in China for thousands of years. This ancient method uses the year, month, day and hour of birth to identify four pillars of destiny. These pillars divide a life cycle into four 15-year pillars, for a 60 year pattern, which identifies characteristics about one’s personality, karmic path and elemental flow. Each pillar is represented by one of the twelve animal signs and is assigned a yin or yang element. The five elements in Chinese astrology are Earth, Fire, Water, Metal and Wood.

The first pillar is a general pillar, and governs the first part of one’s lifetime and overall flow. The second pillar reveals information about family, career and home. The third pillar refers to the self and the spouse ( the most important indication of one’s personality), and the fourth pillar to children and subordinates. Each of the pillars can be interpreted individually or taken together as a group to show lifetime cosmic flow and personality profile.

Once there is an understanding of the four pillars of one’s personality, luck cycles are calculated to determine five and ten year flows over time. Each decade of a lifetime will have different interactions and implications with the Four Pillars, and it is the interpretation of these patterns that identify cosmic flow and describe favourable/unfavourable cycles and luck. Interpreting these patterns can offer accurate guidance by identifying cycles for romance, prosperity, talent, career, travel, solitude, etc.. By aligning ourselves with natural law we begin to move with our cosmic flow, removing obstacles and creating greater opportunities for happiness.